Often, potential customers contact me because they know they need a new website. That’s not always the case, however. There are business owners and managers who really aren’t sure whether they need a new site or not. Or, they feel like they want a new website, but can’t tell if the results they get will make it worth the investment.
I try to tackle these questions on a one-by-one basis. After all, a good piece of advice that would apply in one situation may not work as well in another. That isn’t to say there aren’t some general guidelines to live by. Here are a handful of can’t-miss signs you need a new website as soon as possible…
The Website You Have Isn’t Working
Sometimes, it really is this simple. If you have a website that doesn’t seem to be doing anything at all for your business, then don’t wait to make a change. If customers don’t like it, leads and inquiries aren’t coming in, and you hate the way it looks, then you probably don’t have to look closely into your web analytics to see whether or where you need improvements.
No One Can Find You Online
If you don’t get any visitors from search engines like Google, or social media sites like Facebook or Twitter, then the structure and content of your current website might be the problem. The problems of missing web visitors tend to get worse over time as your competitors build up big advantages and you fall farther and farther behind.
Your Website Isn’t Mobile-Friendly
Just a couple of years ago, mobile web design wasn’t a big deal. Now, if you don’t have pages that can be viewed cleanly from smart phones and tablets, you’re missing out on more than half the market. Additionally, Google and the major social media platforms both emphasize web destinations with mobile compatibility. Don’t miss out on the biggest trend to hit our industry in years.
Your Business Model or Details Have Changed
Sometimes, a website is perfectly fine from a technical stand point, but isn’t up-to-date when you consider what may have changed within the company. If you’ve altered your mission, products, or services, your website might not say so. Or if you’ve taken on new team members, adopted a new marketing tone, or otherwise changed your business model, then you may need to upgrade or replace your web presence.
It’s Time to Juice the Bottom Line
In the same way, businesses often consider website improvements when they just want to start getting more out of every other part of the company. Given that your site is probably the main hub of contact for customers, vendors, and the public at large, making improvements can be very beneficial to the bottom line.
I can’t tell you whether or not you should invest in a new web presence, but I can tell you that if you’re facing any of the situations above, making some improvements might help your company get healthier. Why not reach out today to set a time when we can talk about your business and the challenges you’re facing?